AdviserPlus and Signapse - Collaborative Efforts for Inclusive Video Content with Sign Language Translations
Jul 5, 2024

AdviserPlus, founded in 2001, offers an award-winning employee relations case management system designed to revolutionise how HR leaders and line managers handle people matters. With the support of HR experts and robust analytics, AdviserPlus simplifies employee relations case management, driving positive workplace culture, improving employee experiences, and empowering HR leaders to foster agile, thriving businesses.
The Problem
Committed to being an inclusive organisation that promotes equality and diversity, AdviserPlus provided various video resources, including on-demand HR webinars. However, these videos were not available in British Sign Language (BSL), limiting their reach and not fully exemplifying their commitment to inclusion. AdviserPlus aimed to ensure that their video materials, whether webinars for HR professionals or marketing videos about their software, were accessible to a Deaf audience.
The Selection
In search of a solution, AdviserPlus approached Signapse. The shortage of BSL interpreters had previously hindered their efforts to provide accessible content. AdviserPlus was interested in a technology-led solution, and Signapse’s innovative approach offered a promising avenue to address this challenge.
The Implementation
Signapse first collaborated with AdviserPlus in November 2023, adding BSL translation to a new webinar about redundancy processes. Recognising the success of this initiative, AdviserPlus subsequently engaged Signapse to make a promotional video about Empower, their cloud-based HR case management software, accessible in BSL as well.
Real customer experiences

Since the initial collaboration, Signapse has supported AdviserPlus with BSL translations for additional webinars, all available on-demand, and a series of promotional videos to mark Deaf Awareness Week 2024. This partnership has significantly enhanced the accessibility of AdviserPlus’s video content, demonstrating their commitment to inclusion and enabling them to reach a wider audience.

Get involved with us
We are seeking forward-thinking clients that aim to build the next generation of access for sign language users.
We value working with those who want to be part of the future of equality and are keen to improve operational efficiency. If you would like to transform accessibility for sign language users at your business, please book a demo with us.